Colors Arcus edition 78 card Tabula Mundi in color: the Kickstarter launch

Middle decan of Sagittarius color red

COMING JULY 9th 2016!

Colores Arcus was named for the Bow of Promise, the path between the Moon and Sun given to the Art card. The Kickstarter will launch July 9th 2016 exactly at the moment of Sunrise. Which where I live is at 5:20 AM EDT on that day. I’m no early bird, but this is a fortuitous time so I’ll have to get up along with you to push the magic launch button!

Tabula Mundi Moon and Sun Kickstarter format

For some of you, maybe that is the middle of the night under the moonlight; I guess it depends on where on the globe you live. It’s a respectable 10:20 am brunch time in London and 7:20 pm after dinner hour in Sydney. In Los Angeles you will have to stay up late partying or get up in the night as that time is 2:20 am! If that is too much to ask, just be sure to get there in the first 24 hours, as there will be free gifts for first day backers. US people, just check in when you get up in the morning and you can check it out with your Saturday morning coffee. Unless you sleep until noon there will still be Wyrms for Early Birds (hopefully!) Lucky Australians can browse over cocktails.

So some of the Early Birds are going to have to live up to their name in order to get in on the Early Bird specials. The date and time are astrologically based of course. Luckily it falls on the weekend so for most it won’t interfere with your work schedules at least.

Why you want to be there for the first day of launch on July 9th:

FREE gifts for first day backers…some of them surprising and rare artistic creations. So even if you cannot get there at that exact time, do be sure to back in the first 24 hours to be eligible!

Wyrms for those Early Birds and limited specials

First 93 limited edition decks have a special gold seal

First 22 to back a limited edition 78 card color deck get a free extra large Majors deck

So mark your calendars for JULY 9th 5:20 AM EDT and set your alarms if needed!

An Abundance of gifts and early bird rewards will make it worth your while to be there for the first day of launch! A preview launch link will be send to newsletter subscribers so subscribe here (and answer the email it generates) and you will get a direct link! I’ll also post one at the top of this page once it is live!

This launch on July 9th falls into the decan of Abundance!

Middle decan of Cancer color

8 thoughts on “Colors Arcus edition 78 card Tabula Mundi in color: the Kickstarter launch

    1. Thanks for asking Victoria! The answer to your question is hinted at on the signature cards of the deck, which will list your copy as a certain number of an edition of “MM”. While MM might be assumed to be merely my initials, it’s got a twofold meaning. In Roman numerals MM stands for 2000, but in financial notation MM stands for a million! So, I printed 2000 of them but I like to keep my options open to the million limit ?

  1. The day is here, have been waiting since I got my B&W version. I love your work and although I am not very savvy on Tarot I try. Thankbyounfor your art, keep on the great work.

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