New Aces-Ace of Wands

I’ve decided that the Ace prototypes seen previously are another tarot deck in the making entirely, and that I’ll redo the Aces “Tabula Mundi style”. I’ll post progress here as I go. I’ve got the Ace of Wands done in black and white.

The other day, I was telling someone that I was about to do the new Aces, that I have ideas, and that I’d do the Ace of Wands first. He said, “So what is it going to be, a flaming stick?” I laughed and said, yup, but that it won’t be an ordinary flaming stick, it will be different. He knows me well enough to know that is probably true, but seen one flaming stick, seen ’em all is what most people would be thinking. I showed him the drawing last night and he said “Huh. You were right, this is not an ordinary flaming stick!” For some reason I just find this whole conversation funny.

So the Aces are filed under Kether, and the Ace of Wands is, um, more Kether than most you could say. You could also say that all of the small cards, not just the Wands, are contained therein. Some of the titles of Kether are pretty evocative for this one:

Concealed of the Concealed. Ancient of Ancients. Ancient of Days. The Most High. The Vast Countenance. The Head which is not. The Inscrutable Height. (Et al…)

Some of the symbols for Kether are the Point and the Crown.

It seems like the perfect time to begin the Aces again. A new moon eclipse in a Zero degree, and Mercury stationing to go direct!

Anyway, here is the black and white version of the Ace of Wands.

New Ace of Wands
Ace of Wands copyright 2014 M.M. Meleen

And, here is the completed card after painting it with ink. According to the Golden Dawn, the appropriate color is “Brilliance”:

New Ace of Wands color
Ace of Wands copyright 2014 M.M. Meleen


I’ll post the rest of the Aces as they are done, so watch this space!


5 thoughts on “New Aces-Ace of Wands

  1. Such energy in the Ace of Wands! “Brilliance” certainly describes it. Your vision is such an inspiration, I look forward to the full deck. My majors are lonely.

  2. How perfect this is! I am so looking forward to the entire deck and enjoying the beautiful Majors now. I really appreciate your approach and integrity in the work! Thank you with blessings

  3. This is a powerful Ace and it does reflect the core of the Golden Dawn approach to this energy. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the rest of the Aces.

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