Libra 3: third decan of Libra. Four of Swords

The third and last decan of Libra corresponds to the tarot Four of Swords. While Libra is Venus-ruled, both the decan and the numeric Four cards are Jupiter ruled (Wheel of Fortune, the Greater Benefic or Fortune). 36 Aires of the Zodiac gives the deity as Nemesis, who we think of as a goddess of […]

Libra 2: second decan of Libra, Three of Swords

The magical image of the decan per Crowley’s 777: A man, dark, yet delicious of countenance Ruler of Libra is Venus. Ruler of this decan of Libra is Saturn, which is exalted in Venus. Ruler of the Threes is also Saturn, through Binah. 36 Airs of the Zodiac gives the deity as Kairos, a god […]

Libra 1: first decan of Libra, Two of Swords

Magical description of the decan, per Crowley’s 777: A dark man, in his right hand a spear and laurel branch and in his left a book Lord of Peace, or Peace Restored Ruler of Libra: Venus; ruler of this decan of Libra: the Moon Deity per 36 Airs of the Zodiac: the Erinyes aka Furies […]