Pharos Tarot is now available at Each version is in a very small edition. There are less than 300 copies in the edition. You can also order Spectrum Fari: the Keys to Pharos, the 150 page guidebook in Kindle or Mobi format for download and get it now, or order the signed paperback, also a limited numbered edition.

Above shown are the three versions of Pharos Tarot extra large Majors available: bordered with standard and alt titles, bottom border only with alt titles in Golden Dawn King Scale, and completely borderless. These are editions of less thab 300 copies (273, 247, 231 – read about the numerology of the editions here)
Bordered version has both titles, plus attribution symbols.
Bottom border version has alt titles only in the Golden Dawn King Scale. Plus note it will have the numerals.
Borderless version has the alt titles in whatever color from the card art or the GD scale looks best and is most readable.
Pharos Tarot is a tarot work by M.M. Meleen, creator of Tabula Mundi Tarot, and Rosetta Tarot.
Pharos Tarot is set in a dream world. The deck shows how the Hebrew letters that correspond to each Major Arcana, also correspond to individual parts of a lighthouse system. The images are as if one encountered this information in a dream.
2300 years ago, Alexander the Great had a dream. He dreamed of an old, bearded man (the Hermit perhaps), who recited these words to him: “Now there is an island, in the much dashing sea in front of Egypt. Pharos is what men call it.” Alexander thus chose the island of Pharos as the site for his city of Alexandria. Alexandria had a visionary outlook and an ancient lineage. It became famous for the Hermetic Arts, the library of Alexandria – and the Pharos lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Pharos Tarot is named after the lighthouse as it travels the color scales through light using the medium of watercolor. Watercolor is known for its luminosity as pigment is diffused in water transparently, allowing the light of the white paper to shine through. Water and light.
It’s also named for the fabled Pharos lighthouse because tarot is a guidance system, designed to shed light on dark or foggy situations.
The major arcana are simple dream-like watercolor illustrations showing how the tarot majors and the letters assigned to them correspond to different parts of a lighthouse system. It’s an idea that came fully formed during a hypnagogic state, thus the images have the same strange and surreal suggestive perspectives as the dream world.
All of the Major Arcana for Pharos Tarot have been completely painted, but some may be considered for revision or repainting. On this main page you will find links to the Pharos cards that have been posted. Some of these exist in multiple versions and may be additionally revised in the future.
This is an art deck with each painting hand painted in watercolors on A3 (11.69 x 16.53 inch) cold pressed paper. Each card is painted in the Golden Dawn color scale colors specified for the card in Crowley’s 777. It could be considered Thoth influenced, for Thelemic themes.
The cards are available and perhaps the original paintings will eventually be available for purchase. The deck is available as a limited edition run of large cards, in Majors only. This is a majors only deck, with a special book available with accompanying explanatory text for each card explaining the meanings of the alternate card names and other esoteric influences. More personal commentary about why the deck was created and answers to some FAQ can be found here. Links to the card images are shown here:
Traditional titles are linked. Alternate titles are bolded. Anything in brackets isn’t part of the title but explanatory.
The cards shown below are borderless, but check them out with borders and vote in the poll on borders and titles. Update: now you can see the final three versions above.

- The Fool (The Light)
- The Magus (The House)
- The Priestess (The Ship)
- The Empress (The Door)
- The Emperor (The Azimuth)
- The Hierophant (The Stanchion)
- The Lovers (The Compass)
- The Chariot (The Enclosure)
- Adjustment/Justice (The Pivot)
- The Hermit (The Lantern)
- Fortune (The [Clock]Works)
- Lust/Strength (The Spiral)
- The Hanged Man (The Sea)
- Death (The [Widow’s] Walk)
- Art/Temperance (The Arc [of Visibility])
- The Devil (The Lens)
- The Tower (The [Lightning] Rod)
- The Star (The Way)
- The Moon (The Foghorn)
- The Sun (The Lamp)
- The Aeon/Judgement
- The Universe/World
All images and text shown and linked above © 2017-2020 M.M. Meleen