Crowleymas, Stardate 2019

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Another year here already? Crowleymas is a Thelemic holiday, a celebration of the birthdate of Aleister Crowley, born October 12, 1875 at 11:42 PM e.v. Comedic rites, good food, and plentiful drink are all welcome. For this year’s Crowleymas, I decided to check out […]

To Border, Or Not To Border:

That is the question. See the bottom of the page for a POLL after the examples. Since all the Majors of Pharos Tarot are done now and I’m not planning on doing the minors yet, I’m deciding whether to publish them as Majors only, and if so, in what format. The size would be large, […]

The Works

From Pharos Tarot, in progress: The (Wheel of ) Fortune card is called The Works in Pharos Tarot. The Works as short for The Clockworks (but also as in “give me the works, Jupiter!” LOL) . The clockworks turn to power the turning of the lighthouse’s light, just as the wheel turns by the hand of […]

The Pivot

from Pharos Tarot, in progress: The Justice card is called Adjustment in the Thoth deck. The Adjustment card is called The Pivot in Pharos Tarot. It’s one of only two cards that does not directly show the Hebrew letter pictorially. The letter is Lamed, meaning Ox-goad. The other is the Fool, meaning Ox. An Ox-goad, like […]

The Enclosure

from Pharos Tarot, in progress: In Pharos Tarot the Chariot is called The Enclosure, that protective wall or fence, for the corresponding Hebrew letter Cheth, meaning fence. Lighthouses often have an enclosure: a  wall surrounding and enclosing the base to protect it from waves. The armored Charioteer both guards and transports the treasured pearl. This […]

The Door

From Pharos Tarot, in progress The earliest card done, since 0 thru II were redone at some point. The Door is also known as The Empress, whose Hebrew letter is Dalet, meaning Door. Since it’s such an early card, I wonder if I should redo it, just because my painting skills have improved since then.