Hey friends….it’s Gemini season so thought I’d send a quick message.
I let May totally get me away from posting. In Taurus season I was too busy gardening. That perfectly Gemini statue you see above? Well, you can’t tell yet but hopefully in the next two months to two years, it will be surrounded by a field of wildflowers. A few pounds of all sorts of seed went in. Some will bloom this year, some not until next year or the year after. But putting those in was the easy part. Mostly what I grow is food! While the Sun was in Taurus and Mars was in Cancer, it has been all about the veggie gardens. Funny enough, Ceres has been transiting my natal Sun so makes sense I guess! I’ve been transplanting and starting seeds and inside sprouting all sorts of stuff and growing micro-greens indoors too. Here are a couple of pics of only some of my garden – it is HUGE this year and there are even three more new garden beds. I planted 113 tomato plants so far, and have more waiting to see if I can fit them. Plus like every vegetable you can think of.
Oh and the raised leg of that statue points due North, like a compass – which funnily enough is the name of the Gemini card, The Lovers, in Pharos Tarot. I’ll post it soon!

The gardens are all planted now, except for the peppers since it is still cool here and they like it hot.
So, painting hasn’t been happening. Between the garden and some paid work I had to take on it’s been busy.
But there is some Tarot Related News. Fortune’s Wheelhouse, the podcast, has been on a break after we did the 78 cards. But a new episode will be released this Thursday June 6! Hey – that is my half-birthday too, or unbirthday – whatever you like to call the halfway point til your next birthday. We are now doing a series on each of the 7 classical planets, and the tarot cards that relate to them, and we just finished recording the first new episode, on the classical “planet” the Moon and all tarot related Moon topics. The new series will be every other week, and we will be doing the planets in ascending Chaldean order. If you haven’t already, consider joining the Fortune’s Wheelhouse Patreon site, for stuff like extra content and tarot related prize give aways!
Fortune’s Wheelhouse was also recently interviewed by Joan Marie of the Cult of Tarot Forum. Check it out!
Yours truly also made a rare appearance on a new podcast by Mad Mister Mark – it’s a podcast of mystery, about all sorts of esoteric topics. I was his first guest, then he had T.Susan Chang (cohost of our Fortune’s Wheelhouse and author of Tarot Correspondences). Then Lon Milo Duquette, and most recently, Robert Place. He has a brand new Patreon launched too, so consider joining to support his new endeavor.
I was also recently interviewed for an article coming out in the June edition of the American Tarot Association’s online newsletter. Right now May is still up but June should be out sometime during this first week of June. The article is mostly all about Tabula Mundi Tarot.
And last but not least, Fortune’s Wheelhouse has a book coming out with Llewellyn next year, about of course – esoteric tarot – co-written by myself and co-host T.Susan Chang. So we are busy being Mercurial scribes and trying to meet a tight deadline.
As you may imagine, I’ve not had time this month to work much on Pharos Tarot. The good news is, the Major Arcana are all done, except for one that I plan on redoing. I’ll post some more cards soon!
There is a thread started about the Pharos Tarot at the Tarot Tea and Me Tarot forum. Post your thoughts there if you like it!
It’s likely I won’t be doing the minors for Pharos for a long time. I may do a large and gorgeous altar set of Majors only cards. But only if there is interest! Because printing is so expensive for small editions, especially with luxury options, I can only do it if at least 100 people want one. If you would like to get a set, let me know in the comments or send me an email. If there is interest, I’ll see if I can get them printed this summer or fall.
Me. Definitely me.
It ticks all the boxes – inspired, knowledgeable, readable – and it’s EXQUISITE. If I didn’t know you were currently working on it, if I just saw the images without any background information, I wouldn’t be able to pin down when it was done. Most of the time you can look at art and pick out the era easily, but this is different. It’s outside of time.
Please count me in as well! I’d love a Majors only version of this. Thanks for all you do!
Oh, ABSOLUTELY!!! There is so much about this deck that runs deep for me. Please, yes…count me in!!
I’d definitely want a set of the new majors.
I also wonder if there is enough interest to publish a full oversize deck of Tabula Mundi with the minors too..
I would purchase in an instant – loving the development of this deck.
Count me in as one of the 100, too!
“A large and gorgeous altar set” sounds delightful! Please make it. I’ll buy it, because how can I not… Also, I love that Gemini statue and am very impressed by your gardening. What are you going to do with all those tomatoes?
I would like to purchase a set of majors of the Pharos Tarot. count me in.
A whole hearted, immediate, and resounding yes first and foremost for a majors Pharos Tarot set. I would love that.
Secondly, it’s great to hear the podcast is still moving onward. I’ve been catching up on spotify, just beginning so I have quite a bit to go.
I am definitely on board for a majors only.
I would be happy to be counted as one of the “at least 100.” In fact, “at least” is my middle name. (Seems that way sometimes.)